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Katharine Hepburn

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Beyond her famous partnerships, Hepburn also appeared in a variety of successful films opposite Hollywood's most popular leading men.  In 1951, she played a missionary in her only screen appearance opposite Humphrey Bogart, John Huston's adventure film THE AFRICAN QUEEN, made on location in Africa. Hepburn titled her 1988 book about it: "The Making of The African Queen: Or How I Went to Africa With Bogart, Bacall and Huston and Almost Lost My Mind."

In 1956, Hepburn appeared opposite Burt Lancaster in Hal Wallis' film adaptation of the N. Richard Nash play THE RAINMAKER, about a smooth-talking "Rainmaker" who brings excitement and romance to the life of a plain-faced old maid.

Yet More Memorable Quotations:

  • "Most people's lives, what are they but trails of debris -- each day more debris, more debris ... long, long trails of debris, with nothing to clean it all up but death." --as Mrs. Venable in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959).
  • "Alright.  Alright.  I stand accused of generosity." --as Mrs. Venable in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959).
  • "Say something funny.  Make me stop wanting to cry." --as Mrs. Venable in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959).
  • "Isn't it nice of the drug store to keep me alive." --as Mrs. Venable in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959).
  • "Millions of years ago, dinosaurs fed on the leaves of those trees.  The dinosaurs were vegetarians.  That's why they became extinct -- they were just too gentle for their size.  And then, the carnivorous creatures -- the ones who eat flesh, the killers -- inherited the earth.  But then, they always do, don't they?" --as Mrs. Venable in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959).

In 1959, Hepburn co-starred opposite two icons of the new breed of Hollywood stars, Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor (at right) in Joseph L. Mankiewicz's film adaptation of Tennessee Williams' SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (1959) for which both she and Taylor earned Best Actress Oscar nominations.

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