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> Musicals > Mary
Poppins (1964) >
Mary Poppins (1964)
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for Jane and Michael, the outing in the chalk pavement picture is brought to an
end by a sudden thunderstorm. Upon returning home, they prepare for the
worst: "Children who get their feet wet must learn to take their
medicine," Mary Poppins tells them. But no spoonful of sugar is
necessary to make this medicine go down. Jane's lime cordial is
"Delicious!" Michael's strawberry flavor is downed with a
satisfied "Mmmmm." And Mary Poppins finds her rrrrum punch
"Hic! Quite satisfactory." But when Mary Poppins announces
that it's time for bed, Jane and Michael protest, prompting the ironic bedtime
ballad "Stay Awake." |
More Music Clips:
(For help opening these files, visit the plug-ins page.) |
Jane and Michael's adventures continue with a
tea party on the ceiling at Uncle Albert's and "highly questionable outings
of every other kind," according to Mr. Banks who, assuming responsibility
for his children's education for a day, decides to take them into the city
and show them where he works. The night before Jane
and Michael are to accompany their father to the bank, Mary Poppins tells
them about "The Bird Woman" who sells bags of crumbs on the steps of St.
Paul's Cathedral so that passers-by can feed the birds. Oscar-winning
character actress Jane Darwell
has a brief cameo appearance in MARY POPPINS playing The Bird Woman -- it
was the last film role of her career -- and she is just
one of many distinguished character actors who make small but noteworthy
contributions to the film. Others include Ed
Wynn (Uncle Albert), Reginald Owen
(Admiral Boom), Elsa
Lanchester (Katie Nanna) and Arthur Treacher (Constable Jones).
After a rather troublesome morning with their father at
the bank, Jane and Michael return home with Bert who is headed to number 17
Cherry Tree Lane to sweep their chimney. The group soon finds itself (along
with Mary Poppins) "up where the smoke is
all billowed and furled, 'tween pavement and stars" -- in the Chimney Sweep
world. |
 They meet lots of other chimney sweeps on the rooftops of
London and thoroughly enjoy themselves, but after a rousing round of "Step
in Time" and a battle with Admiral Boom, it's time to go home.
"Step in Time" (a .MOV file
courtesy The Walt Disney Company). |
 All they did was cause a stir at the bank and have a little
fun with the chimney sweeps, so why is Mr. Banks so upset with them? A
between-scenes picture on the Banks' main staircase of Mary Poppins and Bert
with Jane and Michael.
Of all the wonderful songs in
MARY POPPINS, guess which won the Academy Award for Best Song of 1964...
"Chim Chim Cheree"
(clip) (a .MP3 file courtesy the Walt Disney
Company). |
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