Reel Classics > Films
> Movies > The Best
Years of Our Lives (1946) >
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
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Finally the troop calls it quits and heads home. Butch drops off
Homer, and the Stephensons volunteer to take care of Fred. He can't
get into his wife's apartment building however, and is too drunk to consider
any alternatives, so the Stephensons take him home with them and he bunks in
Peggy's room while she takes the living room couch. |

Fred doesn't sleep restfully however, and in the middle of the night, Peggy
is awakened by Fred shouting in his sleep. In this powerful scene (and
one of the film's most memorable), Peggy comforts Fred after a nightmare
about the fiery crash of a fellow flyer.
"The Nightmare" (clip) by
Hugo Friedhofer
(a .MP3 file courtesy Fifth Continent).
The next morning, Peggy makes Fred breakfast as if nothing happened and,
after reintroducing herself (since he doesn't remember much from the previous
evening), drops him off at his wife's apartment on her way to work.
Dana Andrews
gives one of the best performances of his career as Fred Derry, the former
Air Force flyer and playboy who returns from the war to discover he is "just
another soda jerk out of a job."
Teresa Wright also has several memorable moments as the daughter of a fellow
serviceman who is determined to help Fred find a new outlook on life. |

In the meantime, Homer is having troubles of his own. He says he just
wants to be treated like everybody else, but at the same time, he is unable
to believe that Wilma could possibly feel the same way about him as she did
before he lost his hands. He wants others to accept his handicap, but
in many ways hasn't accepted it himself, seeing himself as a freak and a
Both Harold Russell and
Cathy O'Donnell made their screen debuts in THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES,
and though their performances are not as polished as those of the veteran
Hollywood actors in the cast, because their characters are young, awkward
and inexperienced in dealing with the adult issues they are facing, Russell and
O'Donnell's performances serve both their characters and the film very
well. |
More Music Clips:
"Wilma and Homer" (clip) by
Hugo Friedhofer
(a .MP3 file courtesy Fifth Continent Music Corporation).
"Homer Goes Upstairs" (clip) by
Hugo Friedhofer
(a .MP3 file courtesy Fifth Continent Music Corporation).
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins page.) |

Fred and his wife Marie (Virginia
Mayo) have a high time getting reacquainted upon his return, frequenting
local night spots until they've spend all their savings. Fred hasn't
found the "good job" he's looking for yet, and when the time comes for them
to eat at home, Marie is worthless as a housewife, so Fred makes her "a nice
dinner, just like I used to behind the fountain." Eventually, he gives
up the job search and goes back to the drugstore where he worked before the
war. |

Marie's interest in Fred wanes quickly however, once he's back in civilian
clothes and working as "a drugstore cowboy" for $32.50 a week. One day
he comes home early to discover her with Cliff (Steve Cochran), a fellow
ex-serviceman who hasn't had any trouble readjusting.
(View the incredible details of Julia Heron's sets in a
larger version of this picture.) Up until
Samuel Goldwyn cast her
as Marie in BEST YEARS, Virginia
had been one of his contract "Goldwyn Girls," best known for her leggy
show-girl roles opposite comedians like
Bob Hope and Danny Kaye.
Her winning performance in BEST YEARS helped establish her as a straight
dramatic actress however, and she often took credit for director
William Wyler's Oscar, saying he won it because no one in Hollywood
believed Virginia Mayo
could play a dramatic role. |
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